We have grouped our vacation rental properties into four price ranges to help you find the property that suits your needs best. |
The rates presented on the web pages are high season weekly rates and high season daily rates for Whistler BC listed below. High season varies from location to location. |
Price Category |
High Season (US dollars approximate) Rates for Whistler BC are listed below. |
Under $1500 CAD (Under $1000 USD) |
$1500 - $2500 CAD ($1000 - $1600 USD) |
$2600 - $3500 CAD ($1700 - $2300 USD) |
$3600 - plus CAD ($2400 - plus USD) |
Whistler BC Properties |
Price Category |
High Season (US dollars approximate) |
Less than $500 CDN per night Less than $375 USD per night |
$500 to $1000 CDN per night $375 to $750 USD per night |
$1000 to $2000 CDN per night $750 to $1500 USD per night |
Greater than $2000 CDN per night Greater than $1500 USD per night |
Bank of Canada Currency Converter |
Cleaning & Damage Deposit and applicable taxes are additional. |
All properties are cleaned to Platinum standards before your arrival. All units offer sufficient linens, towels and dishes. All other amenities are listed on the property page. The only things necessary to bring are food and clothing. |